Posts tagged England
GTGL Snippets: 2012 Serpentine Pavilion, London, England

A visit to the Serpentine Gallery and enjoying the annual summer pavilion may be pedestrian for some, but for us, it was a bucket list item. More than seeing the pavilion, or the specific installation at the time. It was about seeing the idea behind an annual installation from the most brilliant architects and artists in the world.

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A Trip to Victorian London at The Great Dickens Christmas Fair

As we took a stroll down the Grand Concourse, and allowed ourselves to be part of a story, we met a detective helping out a lady find her mother's dog, a widow who scared the crap out of my husband as she asked for directions to the graveyard (I tried to comfort her by giving her a hug 🤗), a drunkard passed out by the docks, a wench trying to make her living, a lady smitten after getting a kiss on the cheek from the prince of Wales, boys yelling out names they have telegrams and roses for, and even Ebenezer Scrooge post the scrooge.

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