Posts tagged Accessible Travel
City Touring Challenges and How to Overcome Them
It took us a year after the stroke to take our first trip by plane. It’s gotten manageable since with all the tricks we’ve developed. In 2014, we tackled NYC, and there we identified some of the challenges we now have with our new situation. But, in 2015, we did Boston, and you bet your passport we’ve learned how to overcome these challenges.
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GTGL Snippets: MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

A photo is but a second (well, more or less for you shutterbugs out there) of the entire experience - captured, eternalized, relived. Every one is just a moment of a story, in the chapter of our lives that brought us to that instant.

So, we're starting a collection within our blog called GTGL Snippets - a photo (or 2), and the story behind the shot. There's only so much you can write to caption a photo on Instagram, but there's so much to share. And we'll do just that.

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